Peaceful Parasites. Could it be possible that humans have become the greatest parasites ever?

image2Franck Sarfati takes over the parks of Brussels with his benevolent parasites – micro-sculptures in Limoges porcelain – and asks questions about this insoluble question.

The aim of any artistic vision is to open up a debate. The central question of this one is this:
Will humanity remain the Earth’s parasite?

For a very long time (since forever?), consciously and without the slightest restraint, mankind has plundered its planet, without the slightest concern for nature’s capacity to renew itself.

Soil, subsoil, oceans, atmosphere, soon space, no resource has been spared.All areas have become ‘over-‘: over-population, over-urbanisation, over-exploitation, over-fishing… Is resilience still a realistic objective? Would it be possible, despite everything, to take a positive gamble on humanity?
The softness and immaculate whiteness of the porcelain and the slenderness of the forms marry the asperities of the bark of the trees on which the sculptures are affixed.It would seem that a parasite is capable of harmony, integration, even elegance.

Could the human parasite find the resources (precisely) to take, or resume, the paths of symbiosis? The installations have been on display for a few months before fading away and leaving nature in peace.

No traces, like ghosts! Peaceful parasites.

pictures Nathalie Campion